I am Frank, a...


awesome nerd





Web and App developer based in Norway. Several business critical apps in production enabling the business to grow and reach more consumers. Passionate about delivering a good end-user experience and immersive digital experience.

Employed at Instabee as a Mobile lead / Tech lead - Consumer facing

I'm a vivid AI enthusiast. Newbie in digital arts drawing. I love Lego, Gaming and most importantly, beeing a Father

2008 - 2020 - Tribia

First employee after graduation. Transitioning from backend to frontend. Eventually becoming front end lead and release manager. One of the original developers of the current leading industry software for managing large infrastructure projects.

2020 - ? - Instabee

Current employer. Web and App lead, currently developing the budbee consumer app for tracking parcels and shopping inspiration. Previously responsible for porterbuddy courier app for drivers delivering parcels.

Recent work

Porterbuddy courier app for delivery drivers in Norway porterbuddy
Weather app for local cabin area in Norway vinjevegen
Consumer app for tracking orders and shopping inspiration budbee
Personal hobby project. Selling retro travel posters using a mix of digital drawing on my iPad and AI. pts Check it out



©2023 by Frank Bølviken frankbolviken.com